Building valuation. Simple, fast and digital.

Wert14 is the digital building valuation tool for insurers, insurance agencies, agents and brokers.

The system analyzes current land registry data, official 3D building data and aerial images of over 51 million buildings across Germany. Complex algorithms and recognized calculation methods lead you to an objective insurance value.

3 steps
to the building value

Wert14 enables the complex valuation of your buildings in just a few steps.

  1. Simply enter the risk address and start your individual building valuation.
  2. Adjust the building characteristics according to your experience and achieve an even more accurate building value.
  3. After just a few clicks, you will receive your perfectly prepared building report as a PDF file including all valuation features as well as socio-demographic and ZÜRS data.

With the Wert14 GebäudeReport, you receive comprehensive insurance cover with underinsurance waiver from leading insurers.

  • Valuation with the help of an address entry
  • Individual adjustment of key figures
  • Building valuation – without an inspection

Rethinking Insurance –
Digital building values.

Wert14 revolutionizes building valuation.

Receive the current replacement values of your building portfolio, including detailed BuildingReports, in the shortest possible time.

Wert14 BuildingReport

Your path to more transparency

The Wert14 BuildingReport is professionally prepared and contains all the results and valuation characteristics of the assessed buildings. The documentation is supplemented by a map view, aerial photograph and building outlines, making it easy to compare the results with the real situation.

  • Objective and transparent
  • Comprehensible data information
  • Professional, clear presentation

Underinsurance waiver with the Wert14 BuildingReport

with over 30 leading insurers

The waiver of underinsurance is based on the sum insured and the insured value being the same. This is exactly where Wert14 offers the solution. Because: with the Wert14 BuildingReport, you receive a clearly comprehensible sum insured.

Upon presentation of the current Wert14 BuildingReport, more than 30 insurance partners already waive – under individual conditions – the determination and crediting of underinsurance of up to 15 million euros in the event of a claim.

Wert14 – Fields of application

Consulting, underwriting and sales

✓ Recalculation in the bill of exchange business

✓ Portfolio actions

✓ Support for underwriters and office staff

✓ Recognizing value-changing additions, conversions and ancillary buildings

✓ Agreement of underinsurance waiver and restoration guarantee

✓ Qualified and transparent advice

✓ BuildingReport in PDF format

Claims settlement

✓ Checking the sum insured

✓ Portfolio actions

✓ Recognizing value-changing extensions, conversions and ancillary buildings

✓ Information for portfolio actions

✓ BuildingReport in PDF format

Portfolio analysis

✓ Recognizing value-changing extensions, conversions and ancillary buildings

✓ Regular implementation of inventory actions

✓ Checking of tariff features

✓ BuildingReport in PDF format

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