Building data
and SaaS for value,
risk and energy

Energy value determination

SkenData provides CO₂ balances and energy efficiency classes as well as energy demand certificates and refurbishment timetables for the energy analysis of buildings.

This serves as a basis for compliance requirements, risk controlling and company reporting, among other things.

  • EU taxonomy-compliant / DIN-compliant for MaRisk reporting and Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD)
  • Energy KPIs (CO₂ equivalents, energy requirements, energy efficiency classes)
  • Packages of measures
  • Closing data gaps in risk controlling
  • Creation of new sales impulses

Wert14 building valuation

The digital building valuation with Wert14 from SkenData ensures an efficient workflow.

The automated pre-assignment of building data ensures cost and time savings on all sides and provides more income through real insurance sums.

  • Address validation (geocoder, map, aerial photo, cadastral perimeter)
  • Multiple address selection including automatic building recognition
  • Standard valuation procedure (NHK 1914, NHK 2010, VdS 771, VdS 772)
  • Automatic error correction
  • Measurement function (building dimensions from the cadastral perimeter and adjustment of elevation data)
  • Edit / add / split buildings
  • Management of the valuations carried out
  • Pre- and post-processing function
  • Regional factor
  • BuildingReport (PDF) with all relevant data and photos, incl. building dimensions

Wert14 API & Services

Totally individual solution

We supply Wert14 as an API and modular system. Simply integrate Wert14 into your own user interface or company website.